10.Deep “Far East” Spring 2014 Collection
Prints on Prints
10.Deep recently launched their Spring 2014 “Far East” collection aka “Internationally Known”. The lineup digs deep into some of the far eastern cultures, specifically into the Japanese street wear culture. With a variety of patterns including cherry blossoms, Kanji prints, Japanese characters, and other Asian-influenced designs, the new collection is definitely refreshing to see. These prints are offered into a great selection including chinos, jackets, hoodies, baseball caps, and t-shirts giving you plenty of options to pick from.
Kicking away from usual Western street wear, it’s a great contrast to see a new cultural influence of street wear being intertwined with a Western brand like 10.Deep. The result is a visually appealing, diverse collection that is sure to make an impact with its uniqueness and originality. I definitely like some of the mixtures they got with the released photos and it’ll be intriguing to see if they bring this new style into a Fall lineup as well. Check out the new release on the 10.Deep web shop.