Aitor Throup, An Emerging Fashion Mind

Aitor Throup’s fashion design and work is definitely a very unique and creative style. His art caught my eye while I was browsing the internet the other day. I came across some images of his sketchbooks while I was browsing around on Juxtapoz. I further searched and found some photos of his sketchbook drawings turned into physical garments that he had produced.
Aitor Throup has a almost futuristic, yet steampunkish type of style overall to which really makes for an interesting combination. Aitor pays a great attention to the smallest of details, everywhere from the types of stitches for the ways his clothes can be folded up to the exact placement of where zippers are sewn. I was really amazed by the way he designed his clothes. One example were a set of his trousers where they could transform from being ordinary pants to having soles that slide down under your feet. The soles could then be pushed back up behind your calf where it fits in exactly with the way the trousers fold. It is a really interesting concept.
These trousers are very uniquely designed as well in that they have a very sporty yet stiffish type of elegance to them where they look like a new class of suit pants. The trousers may look like an ordinary set of trousers, but taking a closer examination you can actually see the way Aitor thoroughly stitched the seams to get the openness of the pants yet still maintaing the slim fashionable fit. Aitor uses a technique in which he cuts out many different sections of his overall concept and fits them piece by piece together till it forms the final picture.
In the end you see a very uniquely designed piece of apparel. These trousers were a collection of his graduating project known as “When football hooligans become Hindu gods”. The clothes contains hints of the Hindu culture and the freeness of sporty clothes. Aitor Throup has really experimented with a new style and has presently an entirely new conceptual design to the fashion world.

Aitor Throup Website: