Discovering Vilnius Street Art
I recently came back from a study abroad trip in Vilnius, Lithuania. Can you guess where that’s located? It’s a tucked away country in the eastern part of Europe, so it is relatively hidden country that many people have never heard of. I never really knew too much about the country till I visited it obviously, but it has definitely surprised me in many ways. One was was the Vilnius street art that engulfed the city.
One of the biggest memories I’ll have strolling through the cobblestone paths will be all the street art and random posters they have plastered all around the city. Literally every corner you turned on would stand a new wall full of colorful graffiti and newly stuck up festival posters. Not that street art isn’t common throughout all big cities, but Vilnius street art had a different vibe to it that made it all the more curious for me. From garage doors to tucked away bridges to every type of building structure, it seemed like you were always discovering a sense of art.
 I spent a couple days just walking around the city and saw some some pretty cool drawings put up. Check out some of the recent photos I took of the abundant Vilnius street art.

I don’t know why these gnome-looking men on these posters were so interesting to me. Other than being a promotional poster for a large music festival in the area, I walked by these guys every day next to the university entrance. Guess it kinda molds a spot in your mind after a while?

This was probably one of the more interesting works of street art I came across in Vilnius. Probably in that I first came across it walking by it at night and had to come back again to spot it during the day. Mischievous garage door art eh?