Acronym Clothing Spearheading A New Era of Fashion
The word Acronym will probably bring up a list of other topics and ideas when you first hear the word. Fashion however probably will probably not be along the short list of suitable ideas you gather up. Acronym is indeed a clothing brand, some could say an almost underground fashion label with their disbelief in marketing and PR. Their belief lies in the product speaking for itself and that word will spread around about the brand and do the marketing itself. In order for such a product to make itself known in such discrete ways, the product must be unique and stand out for its differences. Acronym is a brand that has done just this with its assortment of technically and functionally advance level product designs.
Acronym clothing is a brand that I have been following for a while, ever since I caught one of their unique seasonal product release videos that catches your attention ever second of the clip. Sophistication, functionality, thought-out, military grade level attire…all words that came to mind when I initially saw their video. The company originally planted its roots in 1994, when Errolson Hugh and Michael Sachenbacher came up with the idea of becoming a design agency doing consulting work. The initial work consisted of working with a couple snowboard brands, one of which was Burton. A well-known brand that we all have known to become a dominant brand within snowboarding. Eventually, while still maintaining its design consultancy work the brand decided to branch out into developing their own apparel which they successfully launched in 2002.
Acronym’s Future Plans
Since then Acronym clothing has successfully in a quiet manner spread out to working with select online retailers and collaborating on products with special brands the company shares same philosophies with. The list of recent collaborations include United Arrows and Stone Island. The company now owns its own clothing factory and has its apparel produced in the Czech Republic, staying close to its Munich headquarters. Acronym develops their own product lines which an emphasis on sportswear-like functionality and a focus on utilzing technical materials. Kevlar, Gor-tex, different hardshell levels, unique zipper patterns are among some of the different materials incorporated within the apparel. Acronym’s website itself provides a glossary of all the technical labels that are given to their products.
Acronym, which won a 2002 Time Magazine Coolest Invention Award for its Analog MD Clone Jacket continues to sprout out many innovative outerwear clothing products and bag accessories. With its level of sophistication, focus on functionality, design expertise, and level of quality material, you will have a tough time finding product that will last a lifetime elsewhere.
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