A Handy List of Commonly Seen Men’s Fashion Terminology
Whether I am shopping at a physical store location or browsing through a company’s products online there always seem to be a few fashion terms or fashion terminology that I come up clueless to. I always take a note to research these terms later in hoping that I would be able to further understand them and perhaps in understanding the product a little more in-depth. For me this has helped out in various situations whether describing a product with others or just browsing around. Having a brief knowledge of some of these terms will definitely come in assistance and I figured I’d share with you as well.
Here’s a list of men’s fashion terminology that more than likely are new to you.
Herringbone Pattern

The easiest way to remember is the fish itself, a Herring fish which is known for being densely boney. The backbone of the fish is where the terminology originated from. The pattern is easily described as a continuous set of short, parallel diagonal lines that resemble a zigzag shape. The lines are positioned against each other as well in helping producing the deep pattern of chevrons.The pattern is also very distinguishable since the patterned lines are usually in two different colors that help bring out the design. Most apparel companies these days have been applying the design to outerwear since the design is usually produced with tweed or wool. Both are materials produced usually for clothing aimed at being used outdoors. More material is also used per square unit of area producing a heavier weave in the apparel.
Kodak Pattern

: This seems to have become a fairly new term to be used up within the fashion industry. However, the term is used for the stripe pattern used within many sailor-esque inspired apparel. The most common scenario used with the Kodak term is when it is a heavy colored stripe and white stripe (horizontal or vertical) consistently patterned across the piece of apparel. You can imagine a Waldo-design striped shirt in being a perfect example of a kodak design.
Jacquard Pattern

Named after its inventor, Joseph Marie Jacquard, the term comes after the special looming attachment that made it possible to design more complicated and unlimited variety of textile patterns. The Jacquard design also differs from other textile patterns in that it is either raised or woven into the fabric as opposed to printed/dyed directly onto. The versatility of the Jacquard loom also enabled the production of fabrics that are intricately woven such as (brocade, damask) and other pattern knitted fabrics that are incorporated into many of today’s jerseys. Silk and rayon are also very commonly used fabrics and can often be seen in decorative items such as tapestries, scarfs, neckties, and dresses. Neck time you see a complicated pattern woven into a piece of apparel or intricate material you can guess it will have Jacquard listed somewhere within the name.
Cable Stitch Weave

This one is basically how the term describes itself, a thick combination of knitted stitches that resemble a rope or braid. As you look at the jackets above you will notice where the cable stitches on the panels above the pockets with the interwoven design patterns. Many Irish sweaters or fisherman sweaters are known to include such stitches within them. The cable stitch usually requires more wool, because of the thickness of the stitch and at the same time making the garment less flexible. Since, the stitches can get heavy if continually woven throughout the whole garment they are usually only done in certain, specific areas to produce a nice aesthetic look. However, they are a very strong, durable weave which produces a longer-lasting garment.